Mr. Peanut Suffers a Noble But Tragic Death in Planters Super Bowl Commercial

Mr. Peanut Suffers a Noble But Tragic Death in Planters Super Bowl Commercial

Peanut lovers have said goodbye to an icon.

America is shell shocked.

Planters released a commercial ahead of the Super Bowl and brought an end to every peanut fan's favorite mascot.

In the ad, Mr. Peanut is driving the Nutmobile on an adventure with actors Wesley Snipes and Matt Walsh when they encounter an armadillo in the middle of the road. Mr. Peanut swerves to avoid hitting it, and the Nutmobile goes flying off the road. The three men are left hanging on to a branch for dear life–literally–when it starts to break under their weight. 

As Snipes and Walsh argue over who should let go, Mr. Peanut makes the ultimate sacrifice and falls to his death to save him. 

The Estate of Mr. Peanut confirmed the tragic news in a tweet.

"He died doing what he did best–having people's backs when they needed him most."

Many people paid their respects to Mr. Peanut, who died at the age of 104, on Twitter.

Heinz announced that fans can celebrate Mr. Peanut's life soon. The beloved legume's funeral will air in a commercial during the third quarter of the Super Bowl.

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